
interesting how things can change just by changing scenery.
leaving swarthmore has been both one of the best decisions i've made and one of the worst. academically, i feel like i'm no longer drowning under the papers and useless mountains of readings. socially, things could be better, much better. living at home is harder than i thought. i never realized how much freedom i had being on my own, making my own rules. ok, i did, but having all that taken away has just been reallly difficult. it doesnt help that most of my friends from swarthmore are abroad this semester so i cant even escape to visit them. ive only been back once this whole semester. which was interesting.... mainly because of my run in with adam, . dark, frat basements and alcohol dont make for good conversation starters.
sachi being in new york helps a bit, but shes so overwhelmed with barnard things and her lit mag, and CAUSA things, so when i do see her, its mainly just to chill and do work together. i think the only time ive had a drink was at swarthmore, which is a very odd. i left swarthmore, and the only time i went to a party this semester was at swarthmore.
working while going to school is interesting. ive worked a little before at swarthmore, but definitely not like this. having work everyday and for this long is crazy. i guess practice for being a teacher? sometimes noah and hannah get on my nerves, before mostly noah, now hannah too. but overall they are fun to be with. but im dying to be with people my own age, and i hate being downtown. downtown jersey city is so different from the heights or any other place in jersey city. if a man in baggy pants comes walking down the street noah tells us to walk faster b/c we might get mugged. dude, seriously wtf?! and all these yuppies/hipsters. oh god, the mothers at the school where the kids go pride themselves on being liberal, feminist, racially aware. but they love when their kids do the soulja boy dance, and sing the words. do they even know what superman is? he's not referring to clark kent. i cant wait to go to DR and get two weeks off from work. i need to see family and get some break from all this nonsense.


drop call

da-da-da-da-da-da-daaaammmmmnnnnn $299 flights ROUND TRIP to rome from ny? i need to go. i should go. but 1) it doesn't coincide with spring break. 2) even if i wanted to take days off and go for a long weekend ( which would be hotttttt) the only dates that price is avaliable is right before finals... like the 2 weeks right before... and going then would be crazy. so for anyone else that has the time... go to euroflyusa.com and get your $300 tickets. and damn you. damn you.

end of story.



wow. i feel dumb, but at the same time quite intelligent.

today the box came for digital cable. fancy. sooo, no we did not request for comcast to come install, instead being the handy family that we are, decided to install ourselves (more like the cheap ass family). so who you gonna call to install?? ME! yes me. so, i'm feeling all handy and manly, i disconnect the old cable box and connect the new one. easy enough. i put in the batteries into the remote and turn on the tv and cable box... nothing. black screen. great. so i look at the letter enclosed in with the cable box and see it has three easy steps:
1. connect your digital receiver.
2 Call the digital service activation line. This call lasts about 3-4 minutes.
3. Allow the digital receiver about 45 minutes to automatically download the necessary information.

call the digital service activation line?? wtf? there was no phone number included on the paper.. who was i supposed to call? ghostbusters? (haha not funny i know) so i spend about 30 minutes hunting down this number. I called the comcast support line (after 5 minutes of waiting got inpatient and hung up) email customer service. everything. no number for this so called "activation line". i slump down on the couch in shame, this was easy enough! and yet i found a way to fail. great. i pick up another pamphlet included in the box and look through it, it was a more detailed installation guide... and wouldn't cha know there, in step 5 was the activation line. I called the number quickly (they close at 11pm) and was able to get the cable activated. now i just have to wait 45 minutes. at least now i don't feel like such a failure.