
If I were a smart human being, I would budget my time. This would ensure my ability to complete tasks on time and still have time to be lazy. I seem to subscribe to the belief that lazytime should occupy 85% of my awake time. Leaving only 15% of my time for homework, applications, and interview prep. As of now I have one take home final and two essays due Monday, a study guide needed to be sent out to the rest of the study group by Sunday, and finals this Wed. and Thurs. and next Tues., as well as my teaching fellows interview the 19th. How many of these things are done? None of them. And I've been invited to a Christmas party this Saturday that is supposed to last until 5 in the morning. Of course if I were a smart girl, I would have turned down this invitation, but in my world party > homework. So guess where I'll be Saturday night.