
It's time to vote!
Jersey City is going to elect its mayor soon. Ah, Jersey City politics, nothing quite like it. (Suggested reading Five Finger Discount, by Helene Stapinksi)The corruption that reeks through the government in this city is disgusting. So how am I going to vote? Close my eyes and poke. Whatever my finger hits, they win. Sad, but I haven't heard two good things about any of the candidates. And the candidate for my ward's council seat? HAH! I think they already started digging his grave down at the cemetary he's so old. There is such a thing as retirement, but this guy long passed that benchmark. He's been on the council for 16 years, and he's running on the CHANGE campaign (under mayor and candidate Healy). Wouldn't change mean getting someone new in office? I think maybe old age is getting to him

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