
Dear god we live in a crazy place.
You know I always knew there were crazies living in the US. Somewhere down south of course. But in the past few weeks they have been popping out all over! Theres that one woman who seems to insist that Obama is not eligible to be president due to the fact that he was not born in the US. Who gives a crap? Obviously he's had to prove this to the appropriate people otherwise he would not have been eligible to run. This woman, Orly Taitz, has done her share of touring the major news shows to attempt to convince others of her nutso scheme.
I can't even begin to describe the wackos that seem to be convinced that health care reform will bring about the end of the US. One woman who was plucked from the audience of a town hall meeting suggests that the "goodwill" of the people will ensure the health of the country. Umm... I don't know about her but that idea doesn't seem to be working. Oh wait, what if everyone just automatically donated money from their pay so they wouldn't have to remember to donate towards the health care of everyone. That sounds like goodwill.

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