
If I were a smart human being, I would budget my time. This would ensure my ability to complete tasks on time and still have time to be lazy. I seem to subscribe to the belief that lazytime should occupy 85% of my awake time. Leaving only 15% of my time for homework, applications, and interview prep. As of now I have one take home final and two essays due Monday, a study guide needed to be sent out to the rest of the study group by Sunday, and finals this Wed. and Thurs. and next Tues., as well as my teaching fellows interview the 19th. How many of these things are done? None of them. And I've been invited to a Christmas party this Saturday that is supposed to last until 5 in the morning. Of course if I were a smart girl, I would have turned down this invitation, but in my world party > homework. So guess where I'll be Saturday night.


I'm very good at procrastinating.
I'm also good at forgetting about things. Such as this blog. I could argue that life has taken me on an incredible journey, far away from this page. But sadly, life has been boring. School is plodding along at a good clip, but besides that life is dull. I did get a massage. Which was the single most glorious event of my life. The things I have done to my body are beginning to catch up to me so the massage was much needed. And the masseuse basically told me I need to take better care of myself or end up being bedridden for the rest of my life. As i figured, my back is a disaster, my knees are worse than a 90 year old arthritic woman, and my right shoulder will need intense physical therapy to mend muscular damage. Well, I'll just have to hire a sherpa to cart my things around.
So the moral of the story is, don't partake in any athletic activities, don't carry heavy bags (or any bag in general), and invest in bi-weekly massages.


Dear god we live in a crazy place.
You know I always knew there were crazies living in the US. Somewhere down south of course. But in the past few weeks they have been popping out all over! Theres that one woman who seems to insist that Obama is not eligible to be president due to the fact that he was not born in the US. Who gives a crap? Obviously he's had to prove this to the appropriate people otherwise he would not have been eligible to run. This woman, Orly Taitz, has done her share of touring the major news shows to attempt to convince others of her nutso scheme.
I can't even begin to describe the wackos that seem to be convinced that health care reform will bring about the end of the US. One woman who was plucked from the audience of a town hall meeting suggests that the "goodwill" of the people will ensure the health of the country. Umm... I don't know about her but that idea doesn't seem to be working. Oh wait, what if everyone just automatically donated money from their pay so they wouldn't have to remember to donate towards the health care of everyone. That sounds like goodwill.


I am so grateful to be starting school soon.
Never would I have imagined that spending an extra year in college would be so perfect. NYC is not hiring teachers for this year, so had I graduated in May, as originally planned, I would be jobless. I mean yea I could have applied to other cities but all the people who would have applied to NYC BoE would be doing the same. Now I get one more year of schooling while I wait out the storm. It gives me a good year to start all my applications to teaching fellowships: Newark, NY, Philly, and Baltimore.
Teachers are always an in demand job, but see I chose the wrong side of teaching. Any school district you go to there are always superintendents begging for science, math, and special ed teachers. I hate math and was never good at science and I don't have the patience for special ed. I want to be a history teacher. A high school history teacher. Do I have a death wish? Maybe. But how can I resist?! I love history. So hopefully this year thousands of high school history teachers retire in the tri-state area. If you know a history teacher I suggest you encourage them to retire. If you know a recently married history teacher (woman) encourage them going on maternity leave. I need a job soon.


I have never been to Boston.
Next Monday marks my first trip to this old U.S. city. I am way beyond excited. As a history major I guess it needs no explanation. I'm going to do the 2.5 mile freedom trail and get in all my touristy sites. In between there'll be some college visits for my sister, Tufts, BU, BC, and Northeastern. Hopefully I can skip out on them. None of them have any of the graduate school programs I'm looking for, so it's of no use to me.
As for the other part of me, my stomach is BEYOND excited for the food that awaits in Boston. I love to eat in restaurants so the opportunity to eat at least 3 meals a day out is super exciting. I'm compiling a list of restaurants that are must visits. Upstairs on the Square, Pomplona (sp?), and various bakeries. I definitely need to make a visit to North End to get some Italin and to Chinatown for some Chinese/Asian food. I have been massively craving pho so hopefully there will be some good Vietnamese places.


This post is dedicated to Sachi.
Happy Birthday Sachi!

The woman of my dreams, the mother of my children (seriously, she's renting out her womb to me). If we were gay I would use this space to propose to her spend the rest of my life with this woman. But I have devoted my life to cats and to live together in cat/bag lady happiness with Bibi. Sachi can visit.



Hello Goodbye, Hellogoodbye.
Five years ago I fell in love. With a band. Hellogoodbye. A year after that I found out they were going to be playing in Lyndhurst, mere minutes from my humble abode. I waited in excitement for that wonderous night to arrive. Since I was at that point without a license, I went with two friends, one of whom had a car. When we got there we realized Hellogoodbye would be the last band out of about 25 bands to play. About 10 bands in my ride got tired, sleepy, and ready to go home. Since I was without way to get home, I had to leave too. Disappointed and Forrest-less, I went home. Fast forward a couple months to Swarthmore. I was rooming next to a guy (S.) who happened to also enjoy the grooves of Hellogoodbye. Happily, their tour would be taking them to the Electric Factory in Philly later in the semester, so we bought tickets. Tucked away in the back of my mind was the thought of finally seeing HGB. BUUTT, three days before the concert, and during finals, I came down with a nasty case of strep throat. I could barely get out of bed and spent half my day puking up my insides in the garbage can next to my bed. I had little energy to get up to take my finals let alone get on the septa and stand for 4 hours in a crowded and loud room. I sadly gave away my ticket and cried a little inside. Luckily, the HGB gods were on my side, because next year they came around to Philly again. Gathering a larger group of friends to go, on a school night, we bought tickets to attend this oh holy of gatherings. I took extra vitamin C and made sure to get plenty of sleep leading up to the show. I was ready, my immune system was rocking and I had a guaranteed septa ride back. But I was sucker punch. I was ready to go but my friends were tired, bored, and ready to go home. They had a long day of classes and had to be up the next day for more. They stood there, as others around us were jumping in joy and singing along. Their bad moods rubbed off on me and I failed to enjoy myself. I'm too scared to buy anymore tickets to see HGB, I'm afraid I will attract lightening strikes or worse. Until the day I am assured a safe passage I must watch online and listen to cds in order to get my fill.


What monster decided that Axe smells good?
I have never smelled anything so douchy in my life. That smell will forever be associated with guido, nasty men/boys, who attempt to recreate the Axe commercials where mildly attractive men attract wildly attractive girls. This does not happen in real life. Axe will only bring you flies and hungry rats. Please stop spraying Axe, please stop buying Axe. And please, shower, clean Ivory smells better than any perfume or cologne. I don't understand what is the attraction in the odor of Axe. It smells like dirty old man, sweat, and some weird bruja mix.
Was there some guy somewhere who put on Axe before he went to a bar and suddenly was swamped by women attempting to give him their numbers? If so, who is this guy?? Please tell him to stop telling his story. My nose can no longer take the abuse!


Searching for a job is very confusing in these modern times.
Many companies post their job openings online either on their own website or the thousands of job classified websites. In order to search through every single one of these postings would require me to hire a team of assistants, not much different from Veruca Salt's dad did, in order to wade through the poopy jobs and submit my resume and info to the perfect, or in my case paying local jobs. Not only do I have to search through online job postings, but there are hundreds of job opportunities that are never posted online! Who the heck decided this? It would make things so much easier if their was a job fairy and as soon as there was an opening somewhere, anywhere, she would post it online. So even if I couldn't submit my resume online I would know where to look and to apply in person. If anyone would like to volunteer to the job search committee, please feel free to apply... online.


Why is the summer not here?
Why have the 90 degree days not arrived? This weather is ridiculous. It's already July and it has not been substantially hot enough to wear tanks and shorts. It's been windy, cloudy, rainy, anything but sunny hot summer weather. Where do I enter my complaints? Weather.com?


Music gets old after a while.
I have over 2500 songs in my itunes library. However, I feel like I've listened to everything I own, so many times that I'm sick of it all. I need more music, new music, I need 2500 songs to replace the ones I have. I can't listen to music anymore. I used to spend the beginnings of every summer compiling a soundtrack for car drives. But I feel since the music I have is not good I cannot put together a CD worth listening to in the car. My car drives suffer as a result. The radio is highly disappointing. Somehow all the stations band together to play the same songs at the same time and commercials at the same time. I need the perfect song selection to drive, cruising tunes. How can I drive with radio music?!?! I need help


I think I am about to do something highly illegal.
Yes, I am going to talk about Bryn Mawr. The camp, not the all women's psycho college. I think somewhere in my contract it stipulated that I was not to talk about Camp Bryn Mawr outside of Bryn Mawr and it should only be said under my breath and during a full moon or some nonsense like that. Anyway, if any Bryn Mawr camp directors should happen upon this blog, everything you are about to read is a lie. For everyone else, this is pure fact.
Did you ever wonder where the inspiration for Stepford Wives came from? Camp Bryn Mawr. I felt like I was in Pleasantville. I have never seen so many cheerful, smiley people in one place. Now, I am not a miserable person, I enjoy smiling every now and then, but this was crazy. It felt like something out of a horror movie. One week was enough, way more than enough. So if anyone ever has any desire to work at this seemingly idyllic camp in Pennsylvania, TURN AWAY!! Save yourselves! Unless of course you are into being psychotic together while singing songs, holding hands, and running in fields of daisies.


I get annoyed by crazy people.
No not Bellevue Hospital crazy people, I mean psycho religious crazy people. People who go around holding bibles and saying to love Jesus, but at the same time go around telling people that there are some people on earth who should be hated or even killed. I think in Webster's Dictionary under hypocrites, there should be pictures of these people.

What is wrong with loving everyone?


It becomes difficult to manage a blog.
Somehow I have yet again managed to lag behind in posts. Ah, time, how fast you fly. I guess I need an alarm set everyday... write in blog. Or Sachi may hurt me.

I guess insomnia is a blogger's best friend. I function on 4/5 hours of sleep at a time and I'm up for at least 20 hours. I think I read somewhere that after 17 hours of being awake you begin to lose brain function. So if I being to write incoherently no I am not blogging drunk, I am just beyond the normal range of awakedness.
I've tried taking melatonin supplements, but it sort of freaks me out to take it too much. And plus, it says you have to be sleeping in COMPLETE darkness, and I need a nightlight (I can only sleep in the dark if there is another person with me... I'm scared of the dark!!). So far melatonin has not worked quite well for me. As for other drugs, I refuse to take anything else. Stories of ambien scare me out of my mind. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night downstairs in my kitchen, home shopping network on and a new debt of $20000.
Until the perfect sleeping drug is created, welcome to the night my fellow late night inhabitant


So I'm going to my first Mets game at Citi Field on Monday. Going to a game I feel like I need to cram for a test. I've been lacking on the game watching so I just head on to nytimes sports blog Bats to catch up on the latest of the Mets. Did you know that its been SIXTY innings since the mets hit a home run? That is shameful. Delgado is out, Sheffield sat out Tuesdays game and Tatis also stayed away. Delgado is a power home run hitter! The Mets are only playing the Nats on monday but that's not to discount the fairly new team, the first game I went to where the Mets played the nats they lost, horribly. I hate when the Mets lose a game I go to.


Kickboxing... more like kickmybuttboxing.
Ten minutes into the class and I'm already huffing and puffing like a fat man walking up a flight of stairs. I've been taking 2 hour long classes a week for about 2 months now, and I have yet to improve my lung capacity and push up endurance. After one cheating push-up (knees bent) my arms are already shaking on the next. My upper body strength is the same now as when I was 5 years old. Despite my workout habits, my eating habits have not changed one bit. I still enjoy my loads of white simple carbs and sugary beverages. Perhaps this is the reason why it takes me 15 minutes to walk up the three block hill near my house (which I've been walking up for 17 years). I wasn't made to be fit.


Less than one day into summer vacation and I am bored out of my mind.
How could this happen?! Oh, yea I forgot, I am unemployed and penniless. I remember a time when I used to throw pennies away. Yes! Away, in the trash (well, not all pennies, but the nasty, grimy ones covered in gunk). Now I am like that old man that bends down in the middle of a busy road to pick up a penny. Nothing to make you appreciate money like unemployment. I think back on the days when I spent frivolously and sat on a fat wallet. I feel like an undernourished child looking at a fat man eat ice cream. Except that fat man used to be me.


Free things.
I love free things. Free things are especially useful to the unemployed (such as myself). Give praise to the gods of free things because they have been smiling upon us. Rita's Ice had a free day on the first day of spring. Score 1. Ben and Jerry's had one in April. I was able to get in line TWICE to enjoy the deliciousness that is chocolate cookie dough (although i paid for that later...). Score 2 Baskin Robbins had an almost free scoop day (only 31 cents which was considered a donation to an organization). Not quite free, but it only cost me under $1 to get THREE scoops of ice cream. Score 3. In the past few years there has been a worldwide cupcake binge. Someone somewhere decided to make these little cakes of diabetes popular. Who am I do complain? Luckily Crumbs, a NYC based cupcake bakery, opened up in Hoboken. And what did they do on their opening day... FREE CUPCAKES. Huge small baby head sized cupcakes! Full menu to choose from too, I chose a coconut one that left me in a sugar coma for days. Score 4. Kentucky Fried Chicken recently had several free grilled chicken giveaways. But I don't eat their for several reasons so I did not partake in the feasting on the chicken. But I heard many did.
So who will be next in the free things bonanza? I know I'll be first in line when I find out.


graduation season is upon us.

Thank god I am not graduating. I'm going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming from college. Its not so much that I'm in love with college or Rutgers, just the fact that I have no clue what I'm going to do after. I still need time to think, and being in school gives me time to delay my life choices. Who knows what they want to do? Only overachievers! I still need a couple years.


It's time to vote!
Jersey City is going to elect its mayor soon. Ah, Jersey City politics, nothing quite like it. (Suggested reading Five Finger Discount, by Helene Stapinksi)The corruption that reeks through the government in this city is disgusting. So how am I going to vote? Close my eyes and poke. Whatever my finger hits, they win. Sad, but I haven't heard two good things about any of the candidates. And the candidate for my ward's council seat? HAH! I think they already started digging his grave down at the cemetary he's so old. There is such a thing as retirement, but this guy long passed that benchmark. He's been on the council for 16 years, and he's running on the CHANGE campaign (under mayor and candidate Healy). Wouldn't change mean getting someone new in office? I think maybe old age is getting to him


I have become a PC now.
Although this transition was not welcome on my part. Proud owner of a Mac since 3rd grade, when my laptop died (only 4 years old!!), I cried. I brought it to the Genius bar THREE times hoping for an act of god. But sadly, god was busy that day. On a limited budget, I was sent to look at... windows os computers. It was utterly painful having to pick out my HP. Those gleaming Macs looked at me and it was so hard to bring this home.
I was hoping that SOMEHOW my choice would be worth it. That those commercials proclaiming the value and power of a PC was much better than a Mac. But sadly I have been proven right in my theory, PC's suck ass.
So far I have only used my laptop for MS word and going to websites I know. I am DEATHLY afraid of getting a virus, I have two anti-virus programs installed. I am without new music on my iPod as a result, and my commute is suffering as a result. My computer runs slow after being on for a couple hours (something that didnt happen to my Mac until it was years old) and the trackpad is so testy! I've had to restart it twice because it's been frozen! I hope the Mac gods will smile upon me soon, and set straight all that is wrong in the world.


why you should follow me.
ok, this is not an invitation for stalkers. I don't mean literally follow me home, but follow my blog! See sometimes when I sign off, my blog gets lonely. It has no one to talk to, no one who will listen. So in order to make sure this blog is nice and heathly, I urge you to follow it! Just click that little button that says follow me! It won't hurt, I promise!


Ok, so I've been a little bit behind in postings (ok, a lot behind), but i have valid excuses.

My thesis consumed my life. 30 pages of Cuba, sorry A. and T., but it came to a point where I began to strongly dislike cuba. but as soon as that paper was out of the way, those warm, loving feelings returned.

I'm not sure how it works, but I have a feeling sometime before the semester begins, professors gather together in some underground club to conspire together. They all gather their syllabi and choose a week to have ALL of their final papers due. To screw us all over. And that is how Rutgers fucked me over this past month.

I've been working on my fitness. Yes, just like Fergie and her humps. Kickboxing, yoga, running, cycling, you name it, I've been doing it. Kicking my butt into shape again. Hopefully this fitness binge lasts longer than the one that happened freshman year.

I got lazy. Plain and simple. Can't a girl sit on her butt all day? It gets hard to procrastinate on Facebook when there's a blog calling your name. I'm a multi website kind of girl, monogamy is not my thing.


Where is spring?
Looking in ads, both online, print, and television, one would think spring has sprung. Someone better tell this to the weather. The first day of spring greeted us with a little flurry of snowflakes. The last day of winter however, left us with the gift of a beautiful 60 degree day. I think the seasons should be checked out by a psychologist, they're suffering from an identity crisis.


Spring Break
As I am currently in the midst of the most unproductive spring break ever, I think it is appropriate for me to waste time some more and post.
I love baseball. I can't help it, whether I wanted to or not, I was made to love baseball.
1. I am Dominican. As such, it is impossible for me to attend any family gathering that does not discuss some sort of baseball (either MLB or Dominican league... TIGERES!!) My grandfather played baseball and my dad played baseball (although now he plays softball). I spent Sunday mornings through most of my younger days at his adult baseball league games. I was photographed quite frequently as a toddler in an array of Mets onesises.
2. Baseball seems to have a habit of showcasing Americas most sexiest men. Case in point? David Wright. The finest 3rd basemen to ever walk this earth. ARod is not my cup of tea. Wright manages to include in one sexy package, good ball playing skills, love for charity work, the most amazing smile, and a fine fine ass. Sadly, my broke ass has never been able to purchase close enough tickets to 3rd base to have a good view of him.
3. Baseball is easy enough to get a handle of. Despite all that fantasy baseball nonsense, it is really easy to understand how baseball works. Man throw ball, man hit ball.
As a NY metro area resident, my main allegiance is to the Metropolitans (NL). However, as a Dominican, I cannot abandon my DR loving Bo'Sox (David Ortiz!). Both caps lay claim to my closet.

Here's to hoping the Mets finally pull through to reach post-season.


I love tv. I have no problems sitting my ass on the couch for hours at a time watching shows. However, my busy schedule has prevented me from doing so. Now, I watch my favorite tv shows online. During the fall my addictions include Mad Men and Dexter. Both of which I could rave about for hours. Dexter is positively b-a-n-a-n-a-s. I love Dexter, he is the serial killer of my dreams. I cannot wait for next season, a freaking serial killer spawn. How the hell is this child going to turn out. Expect much couch to ass meetings Sundays at 10 in starting in September. Also, Mad Men, I don't think I could say anything that hasn't already been said about this freaking phenomenal show. Jon Hamm is so dreamy.
This half of the tv season, I've been (online) watching Dollhouse and Skins (BBC America). Dollhouse is sort of a new thing for me, I was never a big Joss Whedon person (Buffy, Angel), but the concept of Dollhouse seemed so original I had to watch. Now, I'm hooked. I think the show is great, it moves along at a nice pace and includes both ass-kicking and mystery. That's on at 9 Fridays on Fox. Skins, holy mother of God, hide the children. This show is fanfreakingtastic. Of course it would never EVER be approved to be shown on US television (not counting HBO/Showtime). The drugs, sex, drinking and overall mayhem make it 100 times more scandalous than Gossip Girl. Skins makes Gossip Girl look like a virginal Catholic nun.
Currently on my wait and see list is Kings, which just premiered Sunday night on NBC. Sebastian Stan (Prince Jack) is so sexy, sadly he is currently dating Leighton Meester (Blair from GG). But Christopher Egan is also very sexy and he's Australian. Honestly, I'm a sucker for accents, you could be blind, legless, and suffer from severe earhairs, but as long as you have an English/Irish/Scottish/Aussie accent, heck I am THERE.
So get in your requisite hours of television and get that ass to GROWIN.


happy st.patrick's day!
For all you Irish, grab your pint of Guiness and do a jig down the streets. Or enjoy the artificial taste of green beer, just make sure you brush your teeth after!

Here's my recipe for (fake) Irish Soda Bread.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease loaf pan (5x9) or 8inch cake pan. Dust with flour.

2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup raisins
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk

In a large bowl, mix together 2 cups flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt with a wooden spoon.
Stir in seeds and raisins.
With a fork lightly beat the eggs and milk.
Gradually add eggs and milk mixture to dry ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until mixture forms a sticky, thick dough.
Place dough into pan, sprinkle a little flour on the top.
Bake for 1 hour for loaf pan or 50 minutes for round.
Remove from pan to cool.

*Remember mise en place! It makes things so much easier. You can add caraway seeds if that's your thing, 2 tsp with the dry ingredients.


Ice Cream
Yes, I am lactose intolerant. It is a burden I must bear. Despite the havoc that ice cream makes on my stomach, I cannot go long without a taste of some sort of frozen dairy substance. Ice cream is my drug and Torico's is my drug dealer. Who knew that so many flavors could be packed into one delicious space? Baskin Robbins has nothing on these (homemade!) flavors. Do you like avocados? Why then try an avocado ice cream. There are so many chocolate flavors, tropical fruit flavors, even frozen yogurt flavors (about 20). Thank god it's not right next to the store, or else I would no longer fit through doorways.
Despite my love for ice cream and Torico's, my frozen dairy repertoire is pretty small. I intend to become one with gelato this summer. Grom and Il Laboratorio del Gelato seem to be the best places to get gelato. Both in NYC, the hike there will give me excuse to indulge in scoops upon scoops of gelato. Pistachio please.
And now I'd like to thank Lactaid for making all of this possible.


It seems that pie plays an important role in my life.
I love pie, although I shamefully cannot say that I have tasted many pies. My pie of choice? Blueberry. Although I blame that obsession on my aunt, whose family owns a blueberry farm in Maine. Cream pies are a beast that have yet to be conquered. I think I tried Key Lime pie once many years ago in the Florida Keys (Big Pine Key... WHOOP!), but the taste has escaped my food memories. So this summer join me as I attempt to become master of all things pie. It will be a tasty journey.


Course List
In the imaginary world of a perfect Rutgers, every semester would offer a buttload of courses to choose from. But seeing as we are living in cash-strapped Rutgers world, this is not possible. Many courses are just offered once a year, requiring that time turner from HP and some Tinkerbell dust to assemble a schedule that will both fulfill grad/major requirements and not have you on campus everyday. Perhaps Rutgers should refocus some of its athletics money (specifically football, and the salary of the athletic dept. head which is currently over $1 million) and put some of it towards academics. You know Rutgers is a university, not a football training camp.


I used to be quite the concert goer.
My first concert was Backstreet Boys in 8th grade. I waited in line for 3 hours at a Radio Shack to get tickets. By the time I got to the register the only tickets left for me and my friend were on opposite ends of the arena. We bought them anyway. I got to watch five little specks dance their way across a stage that looked like it was five miles away.
My musical tastes have matured (only slightly) since then. My first adult concert was in high school. Summer of 2003? I went to see Jet at Irving Plaza. Oh what an awakening that was. Standing room only, beer flowing freely, and the strong smell of mary j. in the air. Despite the pain in my feet the next day, the smell of smoke in my hair, it was quite an experience. My favorite concert has to be seeing Kings of Leon Feb. 2005 Roseland Ballroom, standing room, crushed up against the barrier. The music, the atmosphere, the people, were all perfect. Some how those things have yet to combine themselves again. The concert experience culminated in meeting KOL the next day when I went to Fuse with T. and E. Skinny, unwashed men have never looked so good.


Spring Break
As I enter the final spring break of my college career, I have only one regret, I never partook of the stereotypical spring break debauchery. Now, Cancun, Girls Gone Wild crazy need not apply. But I have only seen the walls and roof of my own home during spring break. No spontaneous trips to the shore (despite the temperature), or trips to a tropical locale. Just plain 'ole JC for me. Let's see if maybe I can squeeze in a little at home crazyness this spring break.

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Work creates quite the dilemma for me.
Everyone loves money. It allows you to buy nice clothes, go out to nice restaurants, hang out with friends at the movies or NYC. However, an overactive job prevents many of these things from occurring. Example, my job at [redacted]. I love clothes, so much that I figured, heck, working around clothes can't be half bad. Wrong, wrong, wrong. If I could travel back in time I would slap myself upside the head. I have become an expert folder of jeans, t-shirts, and leggings. Why? Because seeing as the economy is sort of in the toilet now, there are very few people looking to purchase $400 dresses and $200 jeans. So the store remains empty on a pretty consistent basis. Despite this fact, my manager thinks it's a good idea to schedule me to work every non-school moment of my life. Weekends are booked from morning till night, and on days when I don't have class, I work all late afternoon-evening.
Now my dilemma, I want to quit, no, NEED to quit. School is the #1 man in my life right now. I am a slave to school (the papers, the exams, my THESIS). Work is the lover that just won't quit. How do I break it off easily? I've been given a strict deadline that looms in the near future, and I'm peeing in my pants just thinking about it. In my dreams, I would just mail a letter that says "I quit this bitch" and never show up again. However, social obligations (and legal ones, in the form of my employment contract) insist that I give a two week notice before receiving my final notice. Shoot.


I need suggestions of cat names. The new kitty has now gone over three months without a name. We've tossed around Lola, Bertha, Edna, and countless others. She's already responding to the name kitty, so there may be problems if a new name is not given soon. Help!


I should start a food blog.
I bake (or at least pre-store job) a lot. No Betty Crocker's cake mix baking. From scratch, flour everywhere, baked goods. My best item? I would say my fake Irish Soda Bread (which contains NO baking soda) that I have been known to devour in one sitting. Yes, that is one whole loaf of bread in a sitting. Every day I pray to the no-fat gods thanking them for my fast metabolism, low blood pressure, and lack of diabetes. I'm still working on that cholesterol thing. Although the only problem with taking pictures of my baked goods is that I don't think they usually last long after being removed from the oven. So picture taking would be quite an issue.