
currently in the third week back. february starts tomorrow. it's crazy. seriously.
radio shoooowwwwww saturdays at 11 am. listen here [wsrn.swarthmore.edu]
things to do this weekend... well saturday is the quad fiesta. bring all your friends. but i have a paper due tuesday, so probably not too much crazyness, but who knows.
possible idea for spring break '06- montreal, where the drinking age is 18, cheryl and i are exciteddd woot woot. yay for canadians. but first i need to get money for that.
classes are progressing okay. not too much work, yet. i have a psyc midterm in two weeks, how exciting.
planning on going home either the 10th or the 18th, i havent decided yet, depends on my work schedule, though probably the 18th, since its the weekend before my mom's b'day and i cant go home for her b'day.

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