
woot! this week has gone by muy rapido. i'm still getting over tuesday. it was flippin SUUUWEEET. i <3 rooney. fo serious. and in a few weeks im going to see hellogoodbye. its too bad i cant go see bright eyes next week. but its nuts, how often will he come back to the ghetto? nothing cool like that ever happens in jersey city. maybe i'll run into conor oberst in some hip cafe friday night.... wait... its jersey city.. maybe i'll run into him on some dark corner as he attempts to buy pot/any illegal narcotic in the projects. (thats more like it) hooray for gangsta life.

life has been good. good friends, good times. i think i have another weekend before i start to realize i have so much shit due at the end of the semester and i flip out. heh. until then. woRD to your MOM.

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