
Searching for a job is very confusing in these modern times.
Many companies post their job openings online either on their own website or the thousands of job classified websites. In order to search through every single one of these postings would require me to hire a team of assistants, not much different from Veruca Salt's dad did, in order to wade through the poopy jobs and submit my resume and info to the perfect, or in my case paying local jobs. Not only do I have to search through online job postings, but there are hundreds of job opportunities that are never posted online! Who the heck decided this? It would make things so much easier if their was a job fairy and as soon as there was an opening somewhere, anywhere, she would post it online. So even if I couldn't submit my resume online I would know where to look and to apply in person. If anyone would like to volunteer to the job search committee, please feel free to apply... online.

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